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Project Overview

When traveling to different time zones with a lot of meeting schedule in different cities and country, it can be challenging to keep the schedule organised and showing up to the right places at the right time. The design challenge is a calendar flow and interface that is smart enough to suggest meeting times, accounts for changing time zones, and is proactively working for the user to make sure they are always on time for their meetings at the right place. With a full schedule and always on the go, the user finds it difficult to manage and create new meetings on the calendar.

"Understanding user's behaviour when access the Calendar Apps to plan their meeting schedule"

Key Objective

Design a calendar flow and interface that is smart enough to suggest meeting times, accounts for changing time zones, and is proactively working for the user to make sure they are always on time for their meetings. The proposed solution has to be mobile-friendly and has to use viable technologies from today, also can provide solution

Difference between Good calendar & Awasome Calender

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The framework I use is Design Thinking. Here are the steps that I will go through:


At this step I will look for problems that are often faced by users when creating a schedule on calendar apps. After I found the problem, I conducted an interview with 5 users. This aims to validate the problems I face to other users whether they are also experiencing the same problem.

Problem Assumption

In this world there are more than 50 time zones and it is very confusing because there are so many standards humans find it difficult to remember or set all the zones they are in manually. Along with the busy schedule, someone often forgets it, so we need an application that is able to remind and make it easier for humans to schedule activities.

after I did the interview, here is the persona :