
What is Domain Murah ?

A domain refers to a specific, unique address or location on the World Wide Web. It is the name that identifies a website or a group of related websites, and it is used to access those websites through a web browser. For example, "google.com" is a domain that refers to the Google website. You can buy domain at Nagahoster domain murah. they provide a various tld domain such us .com, .store, .org, etc


In the first quarter of 2022, with a particular emphasis on March, our Domain Landing Page Funnel Visualization in Google Analytics highlights that a large portion of the decline in visitors can be attributed to difficulties in the domain selection process flow. This has had a significant impact on new billings for Domain Products, which are lower than the billings from 2021. Only 65.84% of visitors continue to the next step, while 34.16% abandon the process at the payment stage. The root cause of these problems, as we see it, is a lackluster search experience that requires users to leave the current page in order to search for their desired domain, adding an extra step to the process. We conduct brainstorming session to looking for this problem :


At the end of brainstorming we agreed to do a design sprint in the process of creating a search domain flow solution.

Design Process

Design Sprint

Frame 8869.png


Q1 2022

My Role

UX Designer

Link Project


Getting closer to the user

As part of our research process, our UXR team has carried out a usability testing study involving 6 participants. The participants were chosen based on their recent experience with Nigahoster, having used or purchased a domain within the past three months.Both experienced and beginner users were interviewed to gather a comprehensive range of perspectives.

Here are the problems we found :

Lightning Demo, Crazy 8 and Solution Sketches