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Introducing to Niagahoster Aggregator link

Eazylink is a Link Aggregator product that can make it easier for you to combine social media links or important links that you want to share with your audience.

This Eazylink came in Q1 2022 and became my first task when I joined the Niagahoster Product team. Eazylink is inspired by the rise of link aggregators and we see there is market potential there. Because Eazylink is included in the high priority product so eazylink must be developed quickly, the most challenging thing here is finding out pain points, solutions to eazylink user behavior without any research documents. Come on, i will tell the journey of this product, Let's Goooo!!!!!!!!



My Role

UX Designer


no link this product has been deprecated because of company issue

Design Proses

How we start our Process ?

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Fast, Cheap , Good Research - Competitive Analysis

The first thing we ask PM, is what are the goals of this product, what will differentiate this product from competitors, who is the target market? from that I get some ideas about this product. The initial step is to conduct a comprehensive competitive analysis, covering the target user, market, information structure, and delivery method, in a concise and easy-to-understand format*. W*hy does it have to be a Competitive analysis? due to limited research documents, we need to study what competitors present to attract their users. this method is low effort and low cost when compared to other research methods.

A competitive analysis involves researching and analyzing the products, services, and marketing strategies of our competitors, as well as evaluating their strengths and weaknesses. The information collected in a competitive analysis can used to inform the development of our own business strategy, product offering, pricing strategy, and marketing plan. The goal of a competitive analysis is to provide a comprehensive understanding of our competitors so that we can make informed decisions about how to compete in the market

Note : i cannot share all the result but here i share some sneak peek
